Friday, September 20, 2013

The story of the end

Ok, this is so cheesy that I want to punch myself in the face. Nowhere close to the previous post, neither in beauty nor in honesty. But the last one left me yearning to complete, I couldn't just leave it hanging like that. 

She is sitting in her desk poring over the yellow pages of the old book that she had re-read a hundred times. Looking up through the window she feels she ought to be outdoors on a beautiful summer day like this. The sky is a bright blue today; blue with huge puffs of clear white clouds. Lifting the blinds up she feels a cool breeze livening up her study. The breeze is a thoroughly welcome affair this hot dry summer. She breathes aloud hoping that autumn is finally beginning when a gutsy wind throws twigs and dirt into her little room. 

Like the dirt on her book, she tries to dust away all misgivings. She tries hard to ignore them. The naive girl thinks they will leave her alone if she pretends long enough that they are figments of her imagination. When this approach fails she tries to fight them. Oh, how foolish she was in thinking she can subdue them with her anger! The final straw came when she tried to rationalize them and take them head on. This aggravated them more and soon they were dancing in flames before her closed eyes.

Forced to join the dance she is gracelessly shunted from one flame to another. With eyes wide open she takes them all in. She ponders all her options holding them close to her heart. A heaviness closes in on her while the familiar twitch in her stomach comes back in pulses. She is transported to a far away place. Miles and miles away, ages and ages ago. Or ahead. She doesn't know and neither do we. 

She is standing under a majestic white oak, a tree that had withstood all tests of time in its several hundred years of existence. There is music in the air as twilight creeps in. Birds chirp away happily flying back to their nests. Rushing to be close to their loved ones, rushing towards comfort. Biting her nails she wonders how she ended up in this place. She had little recollection of the path that brought her here. She should have escaped when she had the chance. She is laying her life bare in his hands, would it take him a minute to toss it away into the thorns that lie beyond? She cries in intoxication. Pleads for him to understand. Begs someone to show her some empathy. Little did she realize that the words were no longer in the confines of her mind. Who is she talking to? Who can carry her anguish to him?

The next morning she knows in her heart that she can no longer take it. She has made her decision no matter how futile it might end. A weight eases off her shoulder when she shrugs the queasy thoughts away. She finds herself standing under the oak tree and the songbirds sing on. In the distance she sees the silhouette of a man. His face becomes clearer and her heart races faster. With her face twisted in fear she breaks into an incoherent ramble. He looks deep into her eyes and she sees it happening. He clasps her hand and gently kisses her lone tear away.

Now playing: Rise Hans Zimmer \m/


  1. Its a beautiful piece of writing! Fell in love with the way you ended it :)

    1. thanks man :) listen to the song, i love its ending :)

  2. Very nice Abhinaya.. Touchin ending.. I lik this the most of all that I hav read of your's..

  3. Rambling of a gal never has an end :P
    Though tis cheesy part s start of something new. . . and yeah U shuld b th writer n me th editor da..
    Other way around seems nt soo good nw :D
